Flowers delivery Teplice page 3 from 3

Best selling products


Pink Roses

Bouquet of pink roses Bouquet of Roses the number of their choice as a gift to please every woman. Pink roses are romantic and poetic, express love...

79 Kč


Colorful Tulips

Bouquet of Colorful Tulips We are happy to present you a complete novelty in our Flower offer: fresh knotted tulips. Brightly colored tulips ...

from 919 Kč


Chocolate Cake

Chocolate cake Chocolate cake in the shape of a beautiful bouquet made ​​of small cakes in the shape of roses  and balls of delicious dough covere...

from 1 039 Kč

Sweet Heart Cake

Sweet Heart Cake

from 839 Kč

Spring Tulip Bouquet

Spring Tulip Bouquet

from 629 Kč

Wow effect

moment of surprise and excitement receiving the gift


healthy yet versatile gift for everyone

TOP quality

ingredients, fruit and chocolate, handmade

100% Freshness

bouquets made just before delivery, shipped chilled

Excellent service

customer satisfaction guarantee