
Best selling products


Chocolate Fantasy

Chocolate Fantasy Bouquet Bouquets of Chocolate Fantasy zof fresh strawberries dipped in milk chocolate, decorated with white chocolate delights ...

from 1 059 Kč


Yellow Roses

Yellow Rose Bouquet Bouquet of Roses in yellow are very popular among women, but the symbolism of colors followers know that their donor expresse...

79 Kč


For You

For You For You flower which is perfect blend of roses in edible bouquet of fresh fruit."For you" guaranteed to delight all lovers of delicious fr...

from 1 059 Kč


Say “Thank you!” to parents and teachers

If you want to thank your family, friends or colleagues in an original way, or if you would like to apologize for something, send them a unique gift, Frutiko fruit bouquet from fresh fruit and chocolate. It is the original way to say ''thank you'' or ''I am sorry''. Order flowers from fruit easily online and they will be delivered  in Prague, Brno or anywhere in the Czech Republic. Fruit bouquets and choco-boxes are also a great way how to thank teachers at the end of the school year. We can always add your thank you note for free. Send these flowers to thank mom on Mother's Day, or give a special gift from fruit and chocolate to your business clients for their cooperation or partnership.

Say “I am sorry!”

It is not easy to ask forgiveness or to say sorry. Frutiko flowers represent a sweet way how to request forgiveness. You can also say sorry with your message which will be attached to your gift.Send your greeting or regret to your loved ones with a fruit bouquet.

Wow effect

moment of surprise and excitement receiving the gift


healthy yet versatile gift for everyone

TOP quality

ingredients, fruit and chocolate, handmade

100% Freshness

bouquets made just before delivery, shipped chilled

Excellent service

customer satisfaction guarantee